Biovoima company

We deliver turnkey biogas and biomethane plants and the related technology and maintenance.

Turnkey plants and technology for biogas and biomethane.

Biovoima is a private owned cleantech company based in Jyväskylä Finland. We work as a turnkey provider and technology integrator in designing and managing biogas and biomethane plant projects with specific feed stock and goals of profitability and sustainability. As an EPC Contractor we take care of engineering, procurement and construction of biogas and biomethane plants. We also provide technology for biogas and biomethane production, utilization and logistics, and take care of the maintenance of the plants and equipment.  We provide also services for modernization of the plants already in operation. Besides our home country Finland, we operate also in other Northern Europe countries such as Norway, Iceland, Poland and Baltics.

To grow and succeed with our people and customers in this field of biogas and biomethane we have brightened our mission, vision and values.

Turnkey plants and technology for biogas and biomethane.

Mission - why Biovoima exists?

Mission - why Biovoima exists?

BIOVOIMA 4 WINS (win-win-win-win)

  • Customer
  • Environment
  • People around
  • Next generations

Our mission is to build and develop sustainable energy infrastructure, where all four wins. We create greener future for the following generations by understanding that our customers, employees and partners need to success so that we success as a company. Our way of business operations is sustainable so that it promotes the wellbeing of the environment and all the stakeholders.

Vision - Where are we heading?

We will grow for the largest biomethane solutions provider in the Northern Europe and internationally respected partner and employer in the biogas field. We are recognized for the quality in our projects, service and operations as well as for the great spirit on them.

We at Biovoima see the future, where renewable energy is the primary source for electricity. Therefore we will diversify the methods by the World produces, delivers and consumes green energy. All this will create sustainable economic growth and success to our customers, which is our most important goal. Global emissions will decrease automatically as a side result, which will slow down climate change and improve the quality of life globally. The bigger we grow, the greater the positive impact will be.

Our vision is to strengthen our position in the sustainable energy field in the Baltics and Scandinavia. For our product development and expansion we will strengthen our position also in larger Europe by 2030´s. In the 2030´s we will expand our operations outside Europe, especially to the developing market.

We will reach our goals by committing in co-operation, social responsibility and ongoing development. We want to be recognized for the high quality operations, which is the result of setting the customer value as our priority, the best technological solutionsmaintenance and operations services. When we emphasize these, only the sky is the limit on what we can achieve!

Vision - Where are we heading?

Values - Guide our operations.

Values - Guide our operations.


  • For our customers
  • For each other and each other´s work
  • For ourselves and own work
  • For schedule


  • To take and give responsibility
  • To succeed


  • We work transparent
  • We admit our mistakes with out reserve
  • We react on others´ mistakes constructively
  • We learn from mistakes and find the right solutions together


  • We build solutions that reduces carbon footprint
  • We choose the best technology based on sustainability

ESG - Environmental, social and governmental responsibility

Environmental responsibility

Biovoima through its mission, values and the business sector is acting in and works everyday for the environmental responsibility. We are designing and helping to build and operate biogas and biomethane plants, which make a large input for the global goals related to cutting greenhouse gas emissions and for energy transition for renewable energy. The plants are designed for lifecycle aspects, to run in sustainable and profitable way. The quality book including carbon footprint calculations and responsibility report is in the process and on its way.

Social responsibility

Our social responsibility means to take care of our employees and other stakeholders through the business we are working in, as well as the solutions we use, and they are affecting the future generations for greener life. What it comes to our employees and workforce overall, our aim to employ diverse people from different background and experience and nationality including even refugees with relevant working experience. This also will help us to build multinational expertise teams, and therefore we have started a combined recruitment and training project with a recruitment company.

Also age and experience diversification is important for us, both from employee’s possibilities and the company’s workforce balance and continuity point of view. Gender equality is being considered at Biovoima, even the business sector has more male workforce due engineering needs. Biovoima is also taking part on charity events in our region.

Biovoima is making strong effort for early-stage project development especially developing countries, to help and increase knowledge on environmental issues and possibilities regarding waste and manure handling before and after the biogas process. We see this as our social responsibility to take a notice also for the environmental, not only business objectives.

Governmental responsibility

Good governance and governmental responsibility is also taking into account by working transparently and openly like stated in company values. Our financial department is continuously developing our economic processes and working closely and with relevant authorities. Our HR development team is taking care of continuous development and continuous surveys for all the employees. The surveys and the development process also takes the management and open way of communication into account.

Why co-operate with Biovoima?

Technology integrator

We choose the best possible technology solutions to integrate optimally, based on customers feed stock and needs, always from the profitability  point of view.

Your EPC partner all the way from design to operation

We work for and take the responsibility of the whole project from design work to maintenance and opration of the plant.

Sustainability and profitability

The meaning of the biogas plant is to operate optimally both from the environmental and economic investment point of view through the life cycle of the plant.

Contact me for more information about biogas and biomethane!

Jani Kangasaho

Jani Kangasaho

Sales Director, Partner

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