Biovoima in events

We deliver turnkey biogas and biomethane plants and the related technology and maintenance.

Biovoima present in events of biogas and biomethane.

We are happy to meet and talk with potential customers about the topics, goals and chellenges related to biogas and biomethane plants, both planning of them and upgrading and developing those already in operation. This is why Biovoima is actively taking part in qualified events internationally.

Besides our home country Finland, we already operate in other Northern Europe countries such as Norway and Baltics.

The Bioenergy Days - Bioenergidagene, Trondheim, Norway 18. -19.11.2024

The Bioenergy Days are the bioenergy industry’s big meeting place. If you are interested in biofuels, bioheat, biofuels, biogas, biochar or new markets, this is the place to be.

This year’s Bioenergy Days will be held at Scandic Nidelven in Trondheim on 18 – 19 November. The conference brings together industry players, decision-makers, suppliers, politicians, public policy instruments and a whole range of other actors both within and outside the industry. In other words, you will meet many people who are worth getting to know, and you will also get an overview of what is happening in the current and future bioenergy industry, both in Norway and Europe.

Find out more on the event: Bioenergidagene – Nobio 


Biovoima is present in the event, if you are coming to the event, please contact us:

Jani Kangasaho, Sales Director, Partner

+358 50 468 7907

Eurotier /EnergyDecentral Hanover, Germany 12.-15.11.2024


Innovations for the global animal housing industry

EuroTier is the leading international trade fair for professional animal farming and livestock management. The leading innovation platform of the global animal production industry offers an overview of innovations and established standards. It provides answers and solutions for current and future challenges.


Biovoima attends the fair with its own stand to Eurotier / EnergyDecentral 2024:

Halle 25 | EuroTier / EnergyDecentral 2024 | Hannover | Stand: K19


More information on Eurotier and EnergyDecentral 2024:

EuroTier – International Trade Fair for professional Animal Farming and Livestock Management – EuroTier 2024

Home – EnergyDecentral 2024 (

IFAT München 13.-17.5.2024

Register in a link below to meet us in IFAT, so we will be ready for you!

Register to meet us in IFAT 2024

Biovoima is attending IFAT Munich as an exhibitor.

We invite you to visit us in IFAT Munich 2024, Hall A4, Booth 206 and discuss about:

  • Biomethane and biogas plant projects
    Biovoima works as a general contractor and technology integrator. We can advice you what to take into consideration already when planning to build a plant.

  • Technology related to biomethane and biogas production
    Biovoima´s own efficient solutions for biogas upgrading to biomethane, gas transportation, biomethane site integration and pasteurization.

  • Maintenance services for biomethane and biogas production and technology
    We take care of the lifecycle of the equipment with our maintenance services.


IFAT Munich is the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management.

May 13-17, 2024 | Trade Fair Center Messe München

More information about IFAT: IFAT – Leading Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies


8. Biogas Congress Warsaw 14-15. December 2023


The eighth edition of the Biogas Congress will occur on December 14-15, 2023, at the Airport Hotel Okecie in Warsaw. Organized by Magazyn Biomasa, this year’s meeting will gather representatives from the national and European biogas sector under the theme: “Biogas – new chapter.”

The conference will address crucial topics related to emerging opportunities in the domestic biogas market and explore the utilization of biogas, biomethane, and bioLNG in agriculture, heating, energy, and transport.

Biovoima is participating in the congress as a strategic partner. Jani Kangasaho, Sales Director and partner at Biovoima, will be presenting the significant potential of household and grocery store biowaste in biomethane production during the event. He will share insights, using the example of the biomethane plant in Tallinn.

More information about the congress: Biogas Congress – Magazyn Biomasa

Live demonstration of biowaste pretreatment in BIR AS Plant, Bergen


BIR AS is a customer to Biovoima and Mavitec, and will make use of Mavitec´s biowaste pretreatment in their soon to be built biogas plant in Voss. Due to this we are arranging a full scale test to BIR in order to see live functionality of the machinery and to get better knowledge and data of their specific processed biowaste.

After being built and in operation, the biogas plant in Voss, Bergen area will treat and process 15 000 tons of household organic waste and produce biomethane, which replaces fossil fuels in industry. Another end product also produced in the biogas plant is high quality biofertilizer, suitable for soil improvement.

Because of Mavitec bringing this machinery to Bergen, Norway we are glad to also offer a great opportunity for others to see and to better understand the biowaste pretreatment process between collecting the biowaste and the biogas production.

There will be a live demonstration event on Wednesday 29.11.2023 between 13-16 pm, organized at BIRs facility in Bergen (Address: Fanavegen 219, 5239 Rådal), by the biomethane plant’s general contractor Biovoima, and the qualified pretreatment technology provider, Mavitec.

In the event various test drives will be excecuted on different biowaste fractions. We want to show the pretreatment process and also offer some knowledge, how everyone can help the biogas process to be the best possible for our environment and sustainable energy.



NEXPO Tallinn 13-17.11.2023

Nexpo Tallinn is a dedicated greentech exhibition showcasing the latest green technology innovations from around the world, bringing together entrepreneurs and policy-makers to create a more sustainable future. You can find Biovoima’s booth in Hall A, Stand A10.

The link to the events’ website:

Nexpo | Touch of Future | International greentech exposition (

Find out the information of us in this fair:

Suomen Biovoima Oy (



Why co-operate with Biovoima?

Technology integrator

We choose the best possible technology solutions to integrate optimally, based on customers feed stock and needs, always from the profitability  point of view.

Your EPC patrner all the way from design to operation

We work for and take the responsibility of the whole project from design work to maintenance and opration of the plant.

Sustainability and profitability

The meaning of the biogas plant is to operate optimally both from the environmental and economic investment point of view through the life cycle of the plant.

Contact me for more information about biogas plants!

Jani Kangasaho

Jani Kangasaho

Sales Director, Partner

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